The boy who looked the sun in its setting eyes...⠀
I was watching him taking a rather awkward swim and run in the water, with the sun going down behind him. ⠀
Never once had he look at the sun, as if he was unaware of the magnificent show in the sky. He was too busy chasing the waves and sprinkling water all over the place.⠀
He was also totally unaware of me being there, feet away from him.⠀
Until this moment, when he laid on his back on the sand, water reaching his neck, sticking his toes out and then it hit him...⠀
I heard a "wow" sort of sound when the boy realized the immensity of the nature spectacle in his face. He paused for a mere second.⠀
He cleaned his eyes and looked carefully at the rapidly changing clouds and sun show, but in 5 seconds he was already running down the beach, towards the couple that seemed to be his parents.
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